Hmm... dah ramai yg buat year end wrap up kat facebook... I don't want to miss it. Wrap up skrg sbb esk nak buat write up new year plak... hahahaa...
2015 moved crazy fast on us... It really was a wonderful year for me. I had several goals that I wanted to accomplish this year, and I am happy to say I did. That in no way means I’ve done everything I want to do. I have goals for 2016 and beyond and I am extremely excited to continue working towards them. For now, let’s chat about 2015.
1) I am a "businesswomanhousewife".... yeaaaa... no punch card.. no paper work.. no report... no pressure... no traffic jam.... mula2 rasa goyah jugak.. tinggalkan dunia corporate for a business.. but i hv strong team... bertuahnya saya.. i love u ols Eliss Family...
2) I have 7 products... Alhamdulillah.. another 2 coming soon... Dan kesemua prod mendapat sambutan dan feedback sgt2 bagus drp customer.. 3x Lamaran masuk kedai kami tolak sbb Eliss syg semua agen2 online.
3) 2 oversea trips this year (Japan & trip wajib Indonesia). Next year ke mana kita?
4) Tahun paling byk tengok wayang... Lebih 40kali... hahahaa...
5) New car.. Ada staff sendiri.. More than 300 ELISS agents seluruh Malaysia.. 11 org awesome leaders.
6) A speaker (2 seminars for 2015. Helping people.. sharing knowledge.. success together)
7) HEALTH: Warded for 5 days... then continue another 4 days for both princesses.. huhuhu.. 2015 - Kesihatan yg paling teruk seumur hidup. Azam KURUS... Yes.. i did it... with my own product... 8kg penurunan berat badan... target another 4 kg for 2016.
8) LOVE - more time we spent together... day n night... more dating session.. The more we fall in love with each other.
9) FAMILY- Spending quality time with our children. More vacation, more weekend xtvt, study session, babah shopping session with kids (setiap ptg kena pau)... Adelina with her roti canai session.. Arissa with her Mc D Frozen session... cooking, baking, painting together... hope I can make more time with our kids... Rules success. No ASTRO.. No TV/IPAD/IPHONE on weekdays... and for mama n babah... put away smartphones and computers, at least until the kids are asleep... inshaAllah continue for 2016 jugak...
10) Heartbreaks??? No.. less physical contact with others... so tak der yg rasa tersinggung dgn orang. Kurang ngumpat.. kurang gosip... wakakakaa... kita citer pasal BISNES jer...
Well, it’s the last day of 2015 and I’m not going to lie that it will be bittersweet saying goodbye and welcoming 2016. Looking back, and just like Facebook summed it up for me, we all know what or about who my year was mainly all about. This year was tough, and just for me but so many others. Yes, I would love for 2016 to be better and much happier one for everyone but only time will tell.
Going into 2016, I would like to make an effort to remind myself of all the good things that happen in my life. Little moments that make me happy or some people in my life that I am forever grateful for to have them.
Love you guys...
Sally Sabri.
U ols dah baca kan... suka tak? LIKE dan SHARE ler.. Sharing is caring
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