Siblings Relationships..

Mmm... demam-demam duk relax kat katil ni... suddenly came a pretty good topic to write here.. tu pun lepas baca kes pergaduhan adik beradik kat Internet dan juga the latest one kes bunuh adik sendiri coz berebut channel TV kat Terengganu... huhuuu... Sadisss nyer.... Meh Sally paste kat sini cerita dia:

Bunuh Adik Sendiri Kerana TV
By Harian Malaya on September 6, 2012

KUALA TERENGGANU – Perebutan siaran televisyen antara dua beradik di Kampung Telaga Papan, Kemaman malam kelmarin membawa padah apabila si adik ditikam mati oleh si abang.

Mangsa yang terbunuh dalam kejadian pada pukul 8 malam itu ialah Abdul Hisham Ahmad, 23.

Sebelum tragedi itu, Hisham dan abangnya yang berusia 37 tahun itu dikatakan sudah berselisih faham kerana berebut sebuah motosikal.

Pergaduhan itu bertambah buruk apabila dua beradik itu kemudian berebut siaran televisyen. Ketika bergaduh kedua-dua beradik itu kemudian bergelut menyebabkan si abang didakwa mencapai satu objek tajam dan menikam bahagian badan mangsa.

Isteri mangsa, Ruhil Amani Shaharuddin, 17, berkata, abang iparnya itu memarahi suaminya yang ketika itu sedang menonton televisyen kerana televisyen tersebut dibeli oleh abang iparnya.

“Ketika itu saya baru selesai sembahyang Maghrib dan saya lihat suami dan abang ipar bergelut. Saya kemudian minta tolong bapa mertua meleraikan pergelutan tersebut,” cerita Ruhil ketika dihubungi.

Berikutan itu, Ruhil memberitahu, bapa mertuanya, Ahmad Din, 59, yang semasa kejadian berada kira-kira dua meter dari tempat kedua-dua beradik itu bergelut memarahi abang iparnya.

Sedih giler kan benda2 macam ni bleh terjadi dlm masyarakat kita...

So.. Sibling Realtionship... Menarik tak topic Sally hari ni??? Nak baca tak Jah?? Bahasa rojak pun boleh ler Jah kan.. layan... dah mmg trademark blog Sally ni.. bukan aper.. tetiba rasa nak practice improve my english... Oh My English.... huhuu.. ingat sumer... contents in this blog bukan ler sama seperti lecturer TESL dan tidak boleh dijadikan bahan rujukan penulisan thesis dan assignment.. ia adalah bahan bacaan suka-suka sajer...

If that doesn’t sound interesting to you, you can go skip reading my post. I request you to read this post before you move on. I will wait here. Done reading? So all set, lets move on quickly.

Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?

Start with my family...

I have 3 siblings... an elder brother Hj Sufizal and an elder sister Suhada! They're the absolute best... I'm so used to having them around that if anyone asked me if I would have preferred less or no brother or no sister, I would, without hesitating, say no. I love both of them.. I hope we will love each other until the end... furthermore.. our abah passed away.. and of coz we will be more close and hope our elder brother will lead us to the union of our family... Minta dijauhkan pecah belah antara keluarga...

My relationship with them is great. We're closer to each other. We have so many interests.. especially with my elder sister...  She's like exact copies of me, except I've been told that I look nothing like my sisters. We do have some differences here and there though.

As we always dengar cerita2 perbalahan perebutan harta etc..etc.. after father or mother passed away.. but for our family... our siblings.. we can managed it. Arwah abah mmg dah divide equally semasa hayat arwah.. and we are more tolerate when it is regarding harta... for us.. harta boleh dicari... adik beradik yang bertiga ni kalau dah berpecah.. tak ke mana...nothing... We respect what Abah divided among us.. I think he knows best for his kids.. Minta dijauhkan bab-bab bermasam muka.. sengketa yang datang we try to manage and solve it instantly... Jgn perap lama-lama.. luka boleh jadi nanah... Klu ada 10 adik beradik.. satu hilang masih lagi tinggal 9.. klu dah bertiga.. satu hilang... tinggal berdua.. Sikit jer angka 3 ni.. So.. meh kita mesra-mesrakan dan berbaik-baik sesama kita...

These are my personal ideas about sibling relationship.. how to take care of siblings relationships and what are the things that can break them...

1. Jealousy - Different treatment
Often, the attention given to a child or children by their parents will have significant influences over their siblings both at the time and also years into the future. It is a source of envy and jealousy, harbouring the belief that a sibling is being treated better than you are by your parents. This part yg timbul .. anak emas.. anak abah.. anak mama... huhuuu.. so.. Sally anak abah... my father's precious pearl... hahahaa... admit it.. but he love my bro and sister equally too.. but this precious pearl the one yang jauh dan tak sempat berada di sisi arwah masa dia hembus nafas terakhir.. sob..sob... sedih sgt... Al-Fatihah untuk arwah..

Jealousy...difficult to move past these feelings, even as adults. If this is the source of your problems, it is necessary to realize and remember that in most cases a parent will not have any less love for you in comparison to a sibling even if they respond differently to the material needs.

2. Jealousy - Different achievement
Ada gak ni... sumtimes.. we saw our siblings achieve more then us... more success maybe... perlu ke nak jealous ni?? Patut rasa berbangga wpun tak yah ler nak mengharap dapat tumpang senang ke aper... coz sometimes.. klu terlebih mengharap... kita gak yang akan merana.. tapi klu dah close sibling.. abang, kakak.. adik.. takkan lokek untuk membantu... Try to avoid this kind of jealousy..

3. Campur tangan orang ke tiga... Who is this??
Banyak gak kes.. mmm.. ipar duai... means.. sister's husband.. brother's wife yang jadi kaki cucuk.. Ada ni kes ni... don't deny it.. so.. for me.. siblings need to think more.. pikir jauh gitu... jangan makan sangat aper2 yang nak diracun tu.. Pikir kita adik beradik.. dr kecik.. we knows our siblings better than others... the best way is... kenang balik zaman kanak-kanak kita... time abang suap adik.. time kakak mandikan adik.. we sleep together... we play together... we seat together especially masa black out... masa hujan lebat.. takut guruh di langit... masa2 yang best untuk dikenang.. so sweet.. this thing yang buatkan Sally sayang abang dan kakak more... tak pernah berbelah bagi.. u ols cuba ler... kenag balik saat indah bersama... mmm.. masa mama pukul abang.. adik nangis... mama pukul adik.. kakak nangis... huhuuuuu...

mmm.. banyak lagi kut sebab musabab... dah kering idea dah.. next time we continue... maybe in other way.. with different topic.. so... call your siblings... the most important things and easiest way is.. remember their birthday and anniversary... don't missed to ring them on their special day ...

So guys... there can be spelling mistake, may would has grammatical flaws badly. If that is the case leave a comment.

Thanks for reading my post. If you have any doubts, feel free to post the comment. Comments are welcome!

That’s all folks!

U ols dah baca kan... suka tak? LIKE dan SHARE ler.. Sharing is caring


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